We strongly advocate for self-health care and personal hygiene throughout the UCAN organization. That is why we offer free travel size toiletries for guests who do not have or cannot afford their own. We also have showers and laundry facilities on site for our guests to use while they are staying at the shelter, and we allow any guest that comes to stay at the Mission an opportunity to wash their personal belongings and take a shower upon entering the mission. This practice is in the best interests of everyone and helps in providing a safe and clean environment for all guests and staff.

“There is a generation that is pure in its own eyes, yet is not washed from its filth.” – Proverbs 30:12. God concerns Himself with how we care for ourselves both inside and out. He desires that our bodies, but more importantly our hearts, are washed clean by the love of His Son, Jesus. But, He definitely cares about our bodies too. 🙂