Crystal Friss
Hello Friends! My name is Crystal Friss, I am the Case manager here at The UCAN City Mission. I am very excited for this opportunity to serve the lord, be the light to those in the dark, plant seeds of faith and encourage the less fortunate.
I have a testimony of faith and perseverance that has gotten me to where I am today. I myself used to live a life of addiction to alcohol, until one day I cried out to God asked him into my heart and to take the addiction away. My prayer was answered when I knew the lord had worked through life circumstances that had no other explanation then “I know that was you God.”
I ended up pursuing my degree in Early Childhood Education as I have a passion for working with children. However, the Lord has called me to Social Work where I feel my gifts and talents are prominent with the adult community and those in poverty.
Because of my past and how I overcame many obstacles, I pray I can offer hope and a better way to life circumstances. I feel I have been led here to the UCAN City mission to help serve the least the last and the lost.