Donations of Daily Life!
Here is a perspective for you! Although it is very important to help the mission to continue to operate, is not just money that helps to provide care for the men at the mission. Look at it this way! Think about all of the things that you use daily or maybe even take for granted that you normally don’t think of? Things that involve cleaning your home, clothes, yourself, and so much more. What about the food you eat and the things that you use to prepare it? Let’s also not forget, the much needed, morning coffee and what it takes to prepare this necessity. Now think about what that looks like for just your life and then multiply the need by 19 adult men. This is what the men at the mission also need for them to move forward. Think about the amount of items or supplies like toilet paper, detergent, copy paper, shampoo, and so on that 19 adult men would use daily. It is a lot! But we have been so blessed by the support of the community when it comes to those items being donated! As the sayings goes “it all adds up” and “many hands make light work!” It truly does! We want to thank you all for your support! We also wanted to encourage you to continue to donate as you can. The more that we network together to provide for the needs of the men at the mission the easier the work becomes. In case it has been a while since you have donated, below is a list of the some items that are always needed. Thank you so much!
Cleaning Supplies: Large trash bags, Carpet fresheners, Air fresheners, Dish soap, Paper towels, Laundry detergents, Fabric softener sheets Window cleaner, All-purpose cleaners, Dish rags/ sponges, Disinfectant spray, Latex gloves, Toilet bowl cleaner, Toilet brushes, Bleach, Disinfectant Wipes

Toiletries: Toilet Paper, (Travel size) Shampoo, Conditioner, Soaps, Toothpaste, Toothbrushes, Kleenex/Tissues, Combs, Deodorant, Shaving cream Razors…

Kitchen items: 8 oz Coffee Cups, Coffee, Sugar, Creamer (liquid or powder), Cereal (No sugar coated), Salt, Butter, Milk, Napkins, Hot Sauce, 1 gal Ziplock Bags

Office Supplies: Copy Paper, Envelopes (standard/ business), Dry Erase, multi color Highlighters, Manila Folders, Standard 8.5×11 Paper, Masking Tape, Sharpe Markers,